
We are involved in several programs and continue to develop new initiatives. :

The Kemba Smith Foundation (KSF) has partnered with National Alliance of Faith and Justice (NAFJ) in launching a national curriculum that is a subcomponent of the NAFJ’s Pen or Pencil Movement.

Kemba’s traumatic real life experiences reflect the consequences of her life choices and the unknown faces and stories of many pre-teens, teens, young adults, who like her, are confronted with complex and peer-driven decisions. Using words which differ each month and begin with the letters, L-O-V-E, the curriculum will align with chapters from her book with a unique connection to African American history, foster dialogue, provide worksheets and valuable exercises, and ideally address such issues as:

  • Warning signs of and measures to prevent dating violence and abusive behavior
  • Unique challenges of children of incarcerated parents
  • Strengthen relationships with law enforcement
  • Characteristics of healthy relationships
  • Diversion alternatives from school to prison pipeline

The lessons, dialogue and activities will promote character development elements such as respect for authority, liberty, responsibility, honesty, self-worth, self-control and consequences. The What’s L.O.V.E. Got To Do With It curriculum aligns with the Common Core State Education Standards.